GalaxyS21 Setting Custom Notification Sounds


Need the ability to set a custom sound per application. The location appears to have changed from S7 to S21 (upgraded phone)


The challenge is that with the S20/21, you can customize sound within an application based on individual feature.

For example, Discord has eight (8) separate features that can each have their sound notifications customized.

Other applications will vary but essentially, you can't simply just set one notification sound for the entire application like you could under the S7 models. You have to customize them feature by feature.

To change your feature notification sounds

Galaxy21 Settings.jpg
1. Go to Settings

Go to Notifications

Galaxy21 Settings Notifications.png
2. Find the Application you want to create a custom sound notification for
Galaxy21 Notification Features.png
3. Under "Other" you will see a listing of features and switches.

Click on the name of the feature you want to set a custom sound for (not - don't toggle unless you want to turn that feature off)

Galaxy21 Feature Parameters.png
4. This will open up a page where there should be a "sound" option.

Click on Sound and that should bring you to the selection page where you can change which sound file you want your S21 to use.


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