Help:Clear Cookies, Site Data, Cache for specific website


Chrome has this nasty habit of not refreshing information directly from the server but rather refreshes a page from its cached pages.

Also, general first level support people will provide guidance from time to time that you need to clear your entire cache, cookies, and history in order to correct a problem wherein a website and your system are out of sync (i.e. not refreshing properly). This is unnecessary in most cases and often more time consuming if you have a lot of websites where you depend on keeping your cookies intact.


The short version:

To be on the safe side clear your website cache both before and after you have cleared your cookies just in case

To Clear your Cache

  1. load the website you are interested in
  2. use CTRL + Shift + I to bring up the developer tools
  3. Right click on the Refresh icon (to the left of the URI address bar)
  4. Select Empty Cache and Hard Reset
  5. Proceed to clear your cookies

To Clear your Cookies:

  1. Go to chrome://settings/siteData
  2. Use the Search Cookies field to find the website in question
  3. Click on the trashcan next to the entry you want to clear

To Clear your Cache again just to be certain.

This prevents the need to do a complete wipe of your history

Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies.