
Immersive Environments

Analog Game Studies open access

Computers and Composition Online an open access journal

Chronicle of Higher Education subscription required for some content

Internet Learning an open access journal available from the American Public University System

Journal of Media Literacy Education an online peer-reviewed open access publication of the National Association of Media Literacy Education

Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning open access journal from Purdue University

International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education an open access journal on SpringerOpen

Journal of Virtual Studies

eLearn magazine

Fibreculture Journal

Games and Culture a subscription-based journal published by Sage; view table of contents and abstracts at no cost

Journal of Games Criticism an open access journal; v. 1 (2014)

Games and Economic Behavior this site provides access to table of contents for the journal; download restrictions, published by Elsevier

International Journal of Learning and Media published by the MIT Press

International Journal of Role-playing Games open access

Intensities: The Journal of Cult Media

Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments published by IOS Press.

Interacting with Computers

Journal of Online Learning and Technology peer-reviewed open access publication

Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning an open access journal from Indiana University

Transformative Works and Cultures

Journal of Virtual Studies The Journal of Virtual Studies aims to create a medium that encourages continual renewal of what a virtual space for learning is and how virtual spaces can be best used in multiple educational contexts. Open Source; Peer Reviewed;

Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

Virtual Reality a fee-based journal published by Springer

International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning published by Springer; limited access to free content

Educational Researcher abstracts free; some content is free; otherwise subscription is required

New Media and Society journal published by Sage; articles are open access

The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Design and Technology Education an open access journal

Critical Education open access peer-reviewed journal published by the faculty of the University of British Columbia

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning an open access journal

Games for Health Journal a subscription-based journal published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.; view table of contents and abstracts at no cost

Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds a fee-based journal published by Wiley; abstracts can be viewed at no charge

Well Played Journal published by CMU Press (Carnegie Mellon University)

Simulation & Gaming a fee-based journal published by Sage Publications

Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities

Current Issues in Emerging eLearning an open access journal from the University of Massachusetts Boston; v. 1 (2014)

International Journal of Educational Research and Technology

UX Magazine "resource exploring all facets of experience design"

Journal of Visual Culture interdisciplinary journal published by Sage; limited access; view abstracts, table of contents

International Journal of Virtual Worlds and Human Computer Interaction an open access journal published by Avestia Publishing

Journal of Interactive Media in Education

Education Research and Reviews

Atlas Journal of Science Education

New Waves: educational research and development

CITE Journal Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, an open access journal

Canadian Journal of Learning and Teaching an open access journal

CourseSource open access journal covering "evidence-based teaching resources for undergraduate biology education"

Digital Culture and Education an open access journal

Hybrid Pedagogy a digital journal of learning teaching and technology

EdTech Magazine

Educational Designer an open access journal

Educause Review Online

Electronic Journal of E-Learning this journal is open access

Eludamos, Journal for Computer Game Culture

European Journal of Open, Distance, and E-Learning

G|A|M|E The Italian Journal of Game Studies; an open access journal

Game Studies: the international journal of computer game research

The Journal of Virtual Environments an open access journal published from 1996-2002

Game Theory an open access journal published by Hindawi Publishing Corporation

International Journal of Computer Games and Technology

International Journal of Social Networking and Virtual Communities an open access journal published by IAES (Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science)

NMEDIAC The Journal of New Media and Culture; peer-reviewed papers

Journal of Educational Technology and Society published by the International Forum of Educational Technology & Society; article abstracts and full text available at no cost

International Journal of Game-based Learning published by IGI-Global; subscription required for full-text; table of contents for issue can be viewed on publisher website.

International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations fee-based journal published by IGI-Global

International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking a fee-based journal published by IGI-Global; table of contents and brief abstracts can be viewed at no cost

International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments fee-based journal published by IGI-Global

International Journal of Information and Education Technology

International Journal of Virtual Reality a subscription-based journal published since 1995; abstracts can be viewed at no cost

International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments subscription journal published by Inderscience; view abstracts and receive rss alerts

International Journal of Virtual Technology and Multimedia a fee-based journal published by Inderscience

Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds subscription required, except v. 1 no. 1 (May 2009)

International Review of Research in Open and Distance Education open access journal published by the Athabasca University

International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education an open access journal

Journal of Learning for Development an open access journal from the Commonwealth of Learning

Journal of Technology and Science Education an open access journal

Computers in Human Behavior fee-based journal published by Elsevier; view abstracts of articles and table of contents for free; some articles are free

International Journal of Human Computer Studies fee-based journal published by Elsevier; view open access articles via Science Direct

Journal of Social Studies Education Research an open access journal

Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting

Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments journal published by the MIT Press

Open Praxis a peer-reviewed open access scholarly journal focusing on research and innovation in open, distance and flexible education. It is published by the International Council for Open and Distance Education - ICDE

Psychology Journal an open access peer-reviewed journal on the relationship between humans and technology

Research in Learning Technology

Research in Learning Technology an open access journal from the Association for Learning Technology

Creative Education an open access journal published by Scientific Research.

Computational Visual Media an open access journal hosted by Springer

Learning, Media and Technology view table of contents

Interactive Learning Environments view table of contents

New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia fee-based journal published by Taylor and Francis; some content is open access

Journal of Technology Studies an open access journal

Research on Education and Media an open access journal hosted by DeGruyter

Hypergrid Business an online journal with up to date information about the hypergrid; "Covering virtual reality, immersive worlds, and other emerging technologies."

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