Win10 Disable Reboot


I was searching for a solution to my laptop starting by itself after going to sleep mode.

I've read a possible solution is disabling "Reboot" task in "UpdateOrchestrator". Unfortunately, when I try to do this I get a message:

Task Scheduler
The user account you are operating under does not have permission to disable this task.

I don't know how to get that permission. I opened Task Scheduler as administrator, also Control Panel\User Accounts\User Accounts\Manage Accounts says there is one user account and it's type is "Administrator".


To solve this problem download PsExec here :

Recommend that you unzip the files into "C:\Program Files (x86)\PSTools" however if you unzip them elsewhere you will need to adjust the command line entries below accordingly.

You need to run PsExec from the command prompt as an administrator

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\PSTools"
psexec.exe -i -s %windir%\system32\mmc.exe /s taskschd.msc

You will then be running the Task Scheduler with sufficient rights to disable the Reboot task

Some users report that Windows 10 is able to re-enable this task automatically. You can ensure that Windows 10 will not re-enable it by doing the following.

Open this folder in File Explorer:


Rename the file name Reboot without an extension to 'Reboot.bak'.

Create an empty folder here instead and name it 'Reboot'.

This will prevent Windows 10 from re-creating the Reboot task and restarting the computer whenever it wants. Later, if you change your mind, you can delete the Reboot folder and rename the file from Reboot.bak to Reboot.


Apparently, changing the reboot file to reboot.bak is also a temporary solution. Microsoft can reset these settings back to their original even when you have explicitly changed them as per above. This will work for a short period of time but depending on the nature of the update being applied, MS forces this back to its original condition.

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