Time Travel: Virtual Singapore 1825

VWBPE 2021 Presentation
Speakers: Chris Mooney-Singh (RL) Singh Albatros (SL), Word Forward; Kaylee West (SL)

This film screening and craft talk presents the challenges of recreating colonial Singapore as a virtual set for a six-minute blended reality film ""Looking for Mr Gelam"". Two fictional characters walk down real-life Beach Road and glimpse through VR goggles early Malay architecture, sailing ships, and period clothing worn two hundred years ago. As well as cost-effective set design using animated NPCs, the talk also discusses the Kitely world as a destination for educational learning journeys.

  • Participants will learn more about blended reality filmmaking.
  • Participants will learn about Asian story building and its applications in education.

Youtube (unedited version): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OpxcTnKcBA

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