Spanish Language Learning at Escape

VWBPE 2021 Immersive Experience
Presented: March 25, 2021
Host: James Abraham / el Profesor

Join us for a tour of Escape in  a virtual world dedicated to learning Spanish in an immersive environment. While strolling through the plaza or investigating the old pyramid, students discover dedicated grammar and vocabulary learning objects that take them through the process of attaining knowledge, practicing that knowledge and finally assessing that knowledge in an engaging, innovative format. Escape transports students to an environment that inspires self, peer and instructor led learning.

  • Participants will see how virtual worlds can be used for language learning and immersive experiences.

Accessibility: Text chat

Directions: Escape is in Digiworldz

  1. New Account: Create an Digiworldz account at Enter Digiworldz using Firestorm viewer. Open the map and search for Escape (8002/Escape/125/116/42)
  2. Existing Open Sim account: Hypergrid to Escape, Digiworldz  : then open the map and search for Escape (8002/Escape/125/116/42)
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