Explore practice with information and meta-literacy
VWBPE 2021 Immersive Experience
Presented: March 22, 2021
Hosts: Sheila Webber / Sheila Yoshikawa (SL),University of Sheffield; and Valerie Hill / Valibrarian Gregg (SL), Community Virtual Library
The pandemic has revealed the dangers and importance of information and disinformation in people's lives. We will start by exploring existing exhibits which reveal different experiences and aspects of meta literacy and information literacy (IL) (e.g. symbolic models of meta literacy; conspiracy theory experience). Then people will explore how they themselves engage with information as citizens and educators and how IL and meta literacy is, and can be, incorporated into their practice as educators.
- Identify how infolit and meta literacy can support and be incorporated into educational practice
Accessibility: Written transcript and transcription
Location: Second Life - Infolit iSchool http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Infolit%20iSchool/118/192/22
Open for self-exploration after the event