IE: Discover your Strengths

VWBPE 2023 Immersive Experience
Presented: March 28, 2023
Host: Lynne Berrett / Lissena Wisdomseeker, Ageless Mind Project/Whole Brain Health

Discover Your Strengths

Character strengths are part of the bedrock of Positive Psychology because of their key contributions to greater human wellbeing. On Inspiration Island we have created a new interactive immersive area, Discover Your Strengths, that is both self-guided and designed for hosted group activities. Attendees will learn at first-hand, in a playful hosted group activity, what their top character strengths are and how to use those consciously and skillfully to increase their own and others' wellbeing.

Participants are encouraged to take the VIA Strengths Survey @ before the session to get maximum benefit from the experience.

Participants will

  • understand the importance of learning about and applying character strengths
  • be able to identify their own character strengths and explore ways to use them well

Location: Second Life - Inspiration Island - Strengths Park

Tags: strengths; character development; creativity & innovation;

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