QUADRIVIUM : What are the implications of AI (Artificial intelligence) applications for educators?
VWBPE 2023 Quadrivium 3
Presented: March 25, 2023
Facilitator: Ian MacLeod / hondomac Dalgliesh
Assistant: Buffy Beale / Buffy Bye
Transcriptionist: Carolyn Carillon
Oh no! AI is coming! But is the sky really falling? Does the use of tools like ChatGPT constitute cheating or plagiarism? Why or why not? Can we use these tools to provide meaningful feedback and assessment? Should we? Join us as we discuss the AI elephant in the room.
Accessibility: Voice to text transcription
Location: Quadrivium https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/VWBPE%20Tundra%20Expanse/113/9/25
Tags: 'AI, AI generated art, AR/VR, analytic thinking'